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The Science Fair « Jade Did Drumbeat: A Field Journal

Jade Did Drumbeat: A Field Journal

It's Interactive and Ethnographic

The Science Fair

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What was the Science Fair?

From https://wiki.mozilla.org/Drumbeat/events/Festival/program/sciencefair

Get a sense of the scope of the Festival and seek out collaborators for the next two days — in a casual setting with some of the smartest people working on open education on the web today.

Remember Science Fairs in grade school?  The Drumbeat version involves grown-ups and cocktails, but it’s pretty much the same concept.  Smart people who are passionate about their super-cool projects — research, learning models, web projects, software, experiments — want to show you what they’re working on and get your feedback and ideas. They’ll bring out their prototypes, wireframes, maps, charts, and crazy ideas while you explore and engage. The Science Fair will include tables for each of the official tents and spaces holding programming throughout the Festival, so you can learn what they’ve got planned.

There will be prizes for participants who interact with the most exhibits!

I and one other person arrived in Barcelona the morning of the Science fair.  The other attendees from Future Class had been there 1-3 days.  Despite the jetlag, it was a great opening experience.  The space was dynamic and energetic and I ended up staying until 11:30PM and taking a taxi back to my hotel despite the 6:45AM arrival.

The Acoustics of the room meant we were unable to comprehend the keynote speech due to an amazing amount of distortion.  However, there was live music, and from this live music I was able to create the loop that is used in my video project and featured on this page. (If anyone knows the name of the group that was playing, please let me know!)

Science Fair Audio Loop

2 Responses to “The Science Fair”

  1. […] evening was the Science Fair, the opening event where we were “unveiled” as Future Class.  That lasted quite late […]

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