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About « Jade Did Drumbeat: A Field Journal

Jade Did Drumbeat: A Field Journal

It's Interactive and Ethnographic


Me and My Camcorder

On November 3-5, Mozilla Drumbeat had their first Learning, Freedom and the Web Festival. I attended the festival as part of the HASTAC Storming the Academy Tent and as a Future Class Member. For a two week period preceding and following the festival I completed field research for my Critical/Performance ethnography class.   This site (Jade Did Drumbeat) serves as an edited version of my field notes and a testing platform for my interactive/video ethnography project.

October 4, 2010 6:26:48 PM EDT

Hi Cathy,

Do you think I would be okay if I used the festival tent as my field site for my performance ethnography class? … I think drumbeat would be great for a diital media and representation based question as well as for constructing a (digital media based) performance project.  I wanted to check in with you on this, and if it is okay maybe it is something I can vet in class tomorrow.

My email to Cathy in reply to a request for class Agenda items (the answer was yes from Cathy and the Class)

As my project centers around Future Class, I did not have an opportunity to explore the rest of the Drumbeat festival. I hope that despite the narrow focus this site, and my project, can still be of interest to more than just me. I also hope that as you’ve made it to this page you find value in exploring future class though my eyes.

Curious to know why I created this website?  See my blog post of playing with forms here.